City Rescue Pets Interviews

 love learning about how to care for animals when you live in the city and sharing that knowledge. I also love talking to people who are rescuing pets and caring for them.

I have interviewed several people about their animals rescue efforts.  Some work internationally on saving wildelife. Some work locally. Some have interesting ways of taking care of their own pets in the city. Everyone has a different story to tell and all of these interviews are fascinating.

Katie Cleary with a tigerPhoto courtesy of Katie Cleary

Katie Cleary is a model an actress who is suing her platform to promote animal welfare. She has produced a few documentaries, founded Peace 4 Animals and World Animal News. She talked to me about her work and what inspired her to champion for animals.

Susan NilsonPhoto courtesy of Susan Nilson

Susan Nilson is a cat and dog behaviorist and has a website - The Cat and Dog House - that helps people with the behavior of her animals. She lives with several rescue dogs and cats. She talked to me about how she rescued one cat in Dubai.

Stephanie with a donkey

Stephanie Summers-Mayer teamed up with a national rescue, Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue. She doesn’t limit herself to rescuing donkeys, which are not animals you can have in the city. She has her main focus on donkeys, but will work to rescue any animal she comes across.

A sheer curtain between Tucan Sam's room and the kitchen

Dave shared with me his set up at home with his pet Tucan, Sam. Sam has his own room, which doubles as Dave’s office sometimes. They also share the apartment with some turtles in an indoor pond.

Elizabeth holding a cat

Elizabeth Cook does trap neuter and release in Jersey City. She talked to me about her experiences doing this and managing feral cat colonies.

I’m always interested in talking with people who have city pet rescue stories. Please do contact me if you would like to tell your city rescue pet story. 

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