Don’t Feed Birds Bread!
What You Should Do Instead

A man feeding a bunchof birds who are flying around him. There s a little boy watching. Photo by Imad Alassiry

It feels like such a sweet thing to do - throwing out bits of bread for the birds. They all flock around you and some may even take some crumbs from your hands. You feel like you are doing such a great thing for the wildlife, especially in the winter!

Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth! Feeding bread and other human food is actually very bad for the birds. I’ll tell you why and what you can do instead to really help the birds.

Why Bread is Bad For Birds

Birds need to eat frequently and a lot because they have high metabolisms. Bread has no nutritional value at all for birds. But it’s tasty and they will fill up on it if it is available. This leaves no room in their tummies for food that actually gives them nutrients that they need to live. This is especially bad in the winter when other food is scarce. Small birds can actually freeze to death overnight with bellies full of bread. They can’t get warmth or energy from the bread. It just sits there making them feel full, but not doing any good for their body.

Bread is also often moldy, which can cause disease in the birds. Even nonmoldy bread can cause deformities in water birds like ducks, geese, and swans. Not to mention that it dirties the water that they live in.

Other Foods Not Good For Birds

Table scraps, meat, and milk are not good for birds and they can attract rats. Don’t give birds spoiled food or birdseed ever. They should also not have chocolate or too much salt.

What To Do Instead

A person holding out some seeds for pigeons to eatPhoto by Soubhagya Maharana.

In the winter, birds need lots of fat and other nutrients.  Seeds and nuts are a good start. Some birds also like cheese, peanut butter, and fruit.  If you can buy mealworms, that is a treat for many birds. Cracked corn and millet are also good choices.

Eggshells can also be given to birds to help their nutrition and give them lots of calcium. Just wash them well, heat them in a hot oven for 10 minutes, and sprinkle the eggshells around.

You can bring eggshells, nuts, and seeds out with you to feed the birds in the park and do something really nice for them

Different birds like different things. Look for what birds you see around and find out what they like to eat the most.

Feeding Birds At Home

A bird perched on a window bird feeder with sunflower seeds in it.Photo by Dan Barrett

There are many different types of bird feeders. Once again, find out what types of birds are in your backyard and tailor the food you give them and the feeders you use to those types of birds. Make sure your feeders are out of reach of other animals, like squirrels. I’ve seen squirrels do all kinds of acrobatics to get at birdfeeders.

Some birds eating in a covered feederPhoto by Lidia Stawinska

You can provide water and a bird bath for the birds as well. Water is important for all animals

Bird houses can provide shelter for birds over the winter.

A bird pershed on a flowering leafy branchPhoto by daniyal ghanavati

Finally, you can put plants outside in the yard or on your deck to attract birds. Virginia creepers can be planted and put out on a deck. Other bushes and trees such as holly trees crab apple trees and arborvitae trees are also very bird-friendly additions to a backyard.


There are many things you can do to help wildlife birds, especially in the winter. You can feed them nuts seeds, eggshells, and other nutritious food. You can give them water and provide shelter for them. One thing you should not do is feed them bread.

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